What is TIS (Theological Interpretation of Scripture)?
The TIS movement (Theological Interpretation of Scripture) was a reaction to the often barren exegesis of the historical-critical model. But what exactly is it and should we affirm it? And if we do affirm it in what sense should we consider it useful?
Welcome to my personal website, Christotelic.faith. In theological terms, that word has to do with Christ (Christos) as the “end” or “goal” (telic) of the entirety of the Old Testament (Rom 10:5). The Bible has one uninterrupted storyline that culminates and terminates in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the end goal to which the entirety of Scripture points. I genuinely think that a human being has no higher privilege or goal than to reflect worshipfully and deeply on Christ who is “the image of the invisible God and the exact representation of His being” (Heb 1:3; 12:2). I explore topics of interest in the light of the revelation of God’s Son, Jesus. My purpose for this website is to produce scholarly reflection on the life and identity of Christ in order to help academics to reorient themselves ultimately to a Christocentric focus in their research.