I am the senior pastor at Christ Community Church in Idaho Falls, ID. I also teach as an adjunct faculty member for Liberty University’s School of Divinity, shepherding candidates through their dissertation writing. The passion of my life is studying and teaching about Christ through the Scriptures—the Bible. My primary focus for this website is to encourage practicing scholars, scholarly practitioners, and members of Christ’s body to think deeply about Jesus as the glowing hot center of biblical theology.
Jeff S. Kennedy / Ph.D., D.Min.
“Yet for us, there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist” (1 Corinthians 8:6).
Below, you can browse some of my credentials, publications and courses taught. While I have spent a fair amount of time in academic study, my passion is teaching and instructing members of God’s family, “which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.” (1 Tim 3:15).
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. in Bible Exposition / Rawlings School of Divinity, Liberty University (Summa Cum Laude / 2022)
Dissertation Title: “Jesus’ Subversive Reading of the Isaian Jubilee: Luke 4:16–30 in Theological-Historiographical Perspective”
D.Min. in Discipleship / Talbot School of Theology, BIOLA University (2015)
Dissertation Title: “The Challenge of Biblical Literacy in the Local Church”
Winner of the Doctoral Research in Excellence Award
M.A. in Religious Ed. / Liberty University (2010)
M.A. in Religion / Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary (2009)
B.A. in Biblical Literature, Minor in Bibl. Lang. / Northwest University (1995)
Adjunct Professor and Dissertation Supervisor, Rawlings School of Divinity Online, Liberty University / Lynchburg, VA / Jan. 2023–present.
Peer Reviewer for Liberty University’s Eleutheria Journal.
Senior Pastor, Christ Community Church / Idaho Falls, ID / Oct. 2015–Present
Executive Pastor of Discipleship, Eastpoint Church / Spokane, WA / Feb. 2007–Sept. 2015
Adjunct Faculty, Liberty University’s School of Divinity / Lynchburg, VA / Feb. 2012–2018
Adjunct Faculty, Moody Bible Institute’s College of Distance Ed. / Chicago, IL / Oct. 2012–2018
Senior Pastor and Church Planter, New Hope Church / Post Falls, ID / June 2001–June 2005
Pastor of Worship and Associate Teaching Pastor, Life Center North / Spokane, WA / 1999–2002
Associate Pastor: Worship and Teaching, Heartland Church / Minneapolis, MN / 1996–1999
Associate Pastor of Youth / Harvest Heights Assembly of God / Tri-Cities, WA / 1994–1996
A Prophet Mighty in Word and Deed: Jesus’ Subversive Reading of the Isaian Jubilee in Luke 4:16–20. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2024 (forthcoming).
Father, Son, and the Other One: Experience the Holy Spirit as a Transforming, Empowering Reality in Your Life. Lake Mary, FL: Passio Press, 2014. (Winner of the National Critics Book Award)
Fearless Conversations: Learning to Share Your Story Without Fear. Spokane, WA: Essential Life Press. 2014.
First Steps: Beginning Your Life as a Christ-follower. Spokane, WA: Essential Life Press, 2013.
Basic: A Beginners Guide to the Bible, Vol. 1 & Vol. 2. Spokane, WA: Essential Life Press, 2012.
The Matthew Journey: A 13-Week Discipleship Curriculum. Spokane, WA: Essential Life Press, 2010.
“An Appeal to Mystery without ‘Punting’: Revisiting Molinism’s Biblical Problem in Light of Ephesians 1:4–11 and Romans 11:33–36.” Eleutheria: John W. Rawlings School of Divinity Academic Journal 7.2 (2023): 91–124.
“Misunderstanding Jesus: Did the Disciples Misunderstand Jesus’ Message and Mission?” Journal of Biblical Theology 3.3 (2008): 187–203.
"Is the Holy Spirit too Weird for American Christianity?" Charisma Magazine, Feb. 6, 2014.
"Can You Hear the Sirens? Experiencing the Spirit's Conviction in a Shameless World" Charisma Magazine, Feb. 11, 2014.
"Act Your Age: 4 Keys to Living a Godly Life" Charisma Magazine, Feb. 17, 2014.
“Why You Have a Crucial Ministry Role to Play” Charisma Magazine, Sept. 30, 2014.
Moody Bible Institute
Reading the New Testament
The Story and Structure of the Bible
New Testament Lit. II
Hermeneutics/Bible Study Methods
New Testament Survey
Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit
How to Study and Teach the Bible
Ancient Near Eastern Literature
Liberty University
Apologetics and the Christian Worldview
Introduction to Christian Thought and Theology
Survey of Hermeneutics
Survey of Biblical Literature
Graduate/Doctoral Courses
Biblical Theology of the Gospels
Biblical Theology of Spiritual Formation and Discipleship
Personal Spiritual Formation and Discipleship
Sermon Series Through Books of the Bible
1 Samuel
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Luke
1 Peter
Topical Series
The Church
The Kingdom
The Gospel
God’s Vision for the Church
Heaven and Hell
Bible Study
Hot Button Cultural Issues
Christ Community Church
Foundations of Christian Thought: Christian Doctrine 1
Foundations of Christian Thought: Christian Doctrine 2
Four Views of the Book of Revelation
Evangelical Theological Society
Society of Biblical Literature